Sunday, March 27, 2011

Counter-act Radiation Attack


Nuclear crisis after the explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Japan, spread panic about radiation exposure. Here's how to reduce their impact, although not be 100% effective in preventing radiation exposure.

The first thing that appealed to citizens who are living in a radius of 30 km is close the doors and windows. They are also advised to turn off air conditioning or air-conditioning and ventilation.

The substance contains radioactive iodine from nuclear plants, which is used as a medicine antiradiasi, and rare gases. To prevent exposure in the room, all doors and windows closed and turn off all forms of ventilation.

When outdoors, you should wear a mask to cover mouth and nose. Namely in the form of cloth, towel or handkerchief wet, to prevent inhalation of radioactive substances. The skin should also be pursued as little as possible exposed to air. ( preventing from the impact of radiation )

There has to be done for a number of regulations can prevent internal exposure via the respiratory or food consumption. If the radioactive substance accumulates, the human body can be affected in the long term.

Upon returning from outdoors, you should change clothes and wash hands and face. Avoid drinking water wells and food that had been left outside the room.

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