Tips and Trick

The Miracle, how to counteract radiation

Benefits of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) not only found in its seeds that can be made kwaci. All parts of the ornamental plant bright yellow this could be a drug ingredient, can even neutralize the effects of radiation from nuclear waste.

The benefit is evidenced in the tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor leak in 1986. When most of the water in the region of radioactive contamination, planting sunflowers on a floating raft capable of reducing the impact of radiation in waters up to 95 percent.

The secret is the root structure is so dense and strong, so able to extract heavy metals such as arsenic and lead. Even the radioactive element can also be absorbed, including uranium and stronium-90 that can cause genetic mutations in humans.

Quoted from Healthmad, Thursday (25/11/2010), other parts of the sunflower plant is its leaves are also useful. This section is able to relieve asthma and whooping cough due to bronchitis, and even can heal wounds and infections.

To relieve cough and asthma, the leaves together with strands of dried sunflowers majemuknya flower crown. Leaves and flowers are dry brewed hot water, then drink warm like tea every day until symptoms subside.

As for treating wounds and infections, which are still fresh leaves are crushed together to form a sunflower seed tapel or pasta. Tapel was then used to compress the wound or ulcer to the wound and pasta are both dry.

The most widely used is sunflower oil, which is believed to overcome many chronic diseases including heart disease and neurological disorders. Because of the popularity, this oil is sold in supplement form is ready to drink.